

We all want our children to have the best start in life, beginning with their nutrition.

But what is the best baby formula (and is there such a thing)?


From birthing to bathing, the choices for parents can be overwhelming. But few topics are as nerve-wracking as deciding how to feed your baby in the first few years of their life.

Breast- or bottle feeding? Powdered formula or liquid? Is there a pediatrician recommended baby formula? What is the best baby formula for breast-fed babies? Sensitive stomachs and lactose-free versions–the baby aisle is downright exhausting!

One thing is for sure: you want to know that your baby is getting all of the nutrients s/he needs to grow and thrive. But with so many options on the market, how can you be sure which is the best baby formula?

Read on to find out a bit more about formula, why you would need to use it, and what the best type of formula is for your baby.


Children’s nutrition has always been a hot button topic.

But it doesn’t have to be confusing! Welcome to Nutrition 101.


If you’ve been a parent for more than a year, you’ve probably asked yourself, “Is McDonalds too unhealthy? Is pizza for dinner okay? How do I pack a healthy kids lunch? Am I a bad parent if my kid has chicken nuggets two nights in a row?”

Relax! While having fast food every day isn’t a good idea, you aren’t going to ruin your kid’s lives if they have an unbalanced meal from time to time.

As pediatricians, we generally recommend that you look at your child’s food intake over the course of a week (or longer) rather than the course of a single day. All things in moderation are fine, provided that your kids have an overall balanced diet.

But what exactly does a “balanced diet” look like?


A new school year is right around the corner.

These healthy school lunch ideas for kids will get you off to a great start.


Did you know that the average school lunch time is only 25 minutes? That time includes lining up, walking to, and sitting down for lunch. By the time they reach the lunchroom, students may only have 15 minutes to eat.

As a parent, how do you make sure that they get a healthy lunch that they can eat in a short amount of time?

The good news is that it’s simple to create a delicious and nutritious lunch box that your child will enjoy so much that the time won’t matter. They will gobble it up as quickly as they open it!

Read on to find some healthy kids’ lunch ideas that you can be sure will get your kids to eat in the short lunch time they have.


It seems that allergies are becoming more common.

Here’s how to identify, treat, and live with childhood food allergies.


Like adult allergies, childhood allergies are when a child’s body has a bad immune response to a trigger food. The body sees this food as an “invader” rather than “food” and attempts to attack it with a histamine response.

This can result in the typical symptoms we think of when we think of allergies. Some may include hives, itching, and trouble breathing. Childhood allergies can also cause symptoms that would surprise you.

Read on to find out the symptoms of childhood food allergies, common triggers, and why it doesn’t have to change your entire life.


Do you have a tiny person with a big opinion?

Here are some toddler lunch ideas to help you avoid those lunchtime tantrums.


At some point in a toddler’s young life, s/he will likely become very selective about what they eat.

Fortunately, there are a lot of options when it comes to quick, easy, and healthy toddler lunches. Read on for tips on toddler meal ideas and some fun things you can do to get your them to eat it.