Things that often top children’s lists of concerns about going to the doctor include:
• Separation. Children often fear that their parents may leave them in the examining room and wait in another room.
• Pain. Children may worry that a part of the examination or a medical procedure will hurt.
• The doctor. Unfortunately, one of a child’s concerns may be the doctor’s manner. A child may misinterpret qualities such as speed or efficiency and read into them as sternness or dislike.
• The unknown. Apprehensive about the unknown, children also worry that their problem may be much worse than their parents are telling them. Some who have simple problems suspect they may need surgery or hospitalization; some who are ill worry that they may die.
As a parent, you can help by encouraging your child to express his or her fears and by addressing them in words that your child understands and isn’t likely to misinterpret. Below are some practical ways to do this.
• Explain the purpose of the visit.
If the upcoming appointment is for a regular health checkup, explain that: “It’s a ‘well-child visit.’ The doctor will check on how you’re growing and developing. The doctor will also ask questions and examine you to make sure that your body is healthy. And you’ll get a chance to ask any questions you want to about your body and your health.” Also, stress that all healthy children go to the doctor for such visits.
If the visit is to diagnose and treat an illness or other condition, explain — in very nonthreatening language — that the doctor “needs to examine you to find out how to fix this and help you get better.”
• Address any guilty feelings your child may have.
If your child is going to the doctor because of an illness or other condition, he or she may have unspoken feelings of guilt about it. Discuss the illness or condition in neutral language and reassure your child that it isn’t his or her fault: “This isn’t caused by anything you did or forgot to do. Illnesses like this happen to many children. Aren’t we lucky to have doctors who can find the causes and who know how to help us get well?”
If you, your spouse, other relatives, or friends had (or have) the same condition, share this information. Knowing that you and many others have been through the same thing may help relieve your child’s guilt and fear.
Of course, if your child has suffered an injury after disregarding safety rules, it’s a good idea to point out (as matter-of-factly as possible) the cause-and-effect relationship between the action and the injury. However, you should still try to relieve guilt. You could say, “You probably didn’t understand the danger involved in doing that, but I’m sure you understand now, and I know you won’t do it that way again.”
In any of these cases, though, be sure to explain, especially to young children, that going to the doctor for an examination is not a punishment. Be sure your child understands that adults go to doctors just like children do and that the doctor’s job is to help people stay healthy and fix any problems.
Tell your child what to expect during a routine exam.
You can use a doll or teddy bear to show your young child what may be done in an exam.
• Gather information for the doctor.
If the situation isn’t an emergency, allow your child to contribute to a list of symptoms that you create for the doctor. Include all symptoms you’ve observed, no matter how unrelated they may seem to the problem at hand.
• Write down questions.
Ask your child to think of questions that he or she would like to ask the doctor. Write them down and give them to the doctor. If the problem has occurred before, list the things that have worked and the things that haven’t worked in previous treatment. Your child will be reassured by your active role in his or her medical care and will learn from your example. At the same time, you’ll be prepared to give the doctor information vital to making an informed diagnosis. Doctors report that this information is very helpful in determining diagnoses.
• Call a few days in advance if you need a refill on a medication, a referral to a specialist, immunization records, a school/camp form filled out or some other non-urgent request. Don’t wait until the last minute when you need something done by the office.
• Show up to your appointment on time. If it is your first visit, you might even want to show up 15-20 minutes early, as you will likely need to fill our forms with your contact/insurance information. People showing up late for their appointment is usually the main reason that offices get off schedule and other patients have to wait.
• If you can, call early when your child is sick and you need an appointment. In most offices, if you call first thing in the morning, you will likely be seen later that morning or in the early afternoon. If you wait until later in the day, you might not be seen until the end of the day or the next morning.
• Consider scheduling your well child checkups in the morning and in the middle of the week when there will be less sick children. This may give you more time with the doctor and you will be less likely to have to wait for your appointment.
• Prepare a list of questions or issues that you would like to discuss with your Pediatrician during the visit. It is hard to remember everything you want to talk about, but getting all of your questions answered can prevent your having to call back or schedule another appointment.
• Ask questions if you don’t understand or don’t completely agree with what your doctor has said. A little bit of discussion about your concerns can help prevent misunderstandings and reassure you about what your Pediatrician thinks is going on.
• If possible find someone to watch your other kids when you take your child to the doctor. This isn’t always possible, but you will likely have a better visit if their aren’t 2 or 3 extra kids running around the room.
Did you know that the safest car restraint policy is to keep your child restrained in a booster until they reach at least 60 pounds?
Did you know it is illegal for your child to ride a bicycle without a properly fitting bicycle helmet.
Did you know that children should consume at least 9 servings a day of fruits and vegetables?
Smoking in the home and/or car is always a health risk both short and long term. Your child can be at risk for more frequent infections, asthma, car infections, and other respiratory complications. In addition, your child is more likely to smoke if exposed frequently to other smokers.
However, if adult people in the home smoke, it is best to follow these recommendations:
General Health Links
Kids Health
Safe Kids
Texas Department of State Health Services
A Pocket Guide to Good Health for Children
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Backpack Safety America
American Academy of Pediatrics
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
U.S. Consumer Product and Safety Commission
Texas Department of State Health Services